
Get In Touch With Us

    For Our Patients
    Useful Information for Patients

    New to OHI

    As a new patient, please call (732) 363-6655 to schedule an appointment with one of our representatives or make your own appointment through our website at your convenience. Ocean Health Initiatives, Inc. (OHI) will see all patients regardless of their ability to pay.

    Insurances Taken

    Commercial Insurances Accepted:

    Ocean Health Initiatives, Inc. (OHI) accepts both Medicare and Medicaid.

    Sliding Scale Fee

    sliding fee scale is available to all patients based on an individual’s ability to pay for the primary and preventative health care services rendered. No one is denied care because of an inability to pay. OHI offers a sliding fee discount program for both insured and uninsured patients based on an individual’s income and family size.

    The following documentation is needed to be approved for reduced and sliding fees:

    * New patients with insurance must bring photo identification and insurance card.*

    Ocean Health Initiatives
    Veterans Choice Program

    Are you a Veteran looking to receive health services?

    OHI has been named an eligible provider in The Veterans Choice Program, an initiative provided through the Veteran Administration (VA). The Veterans Choice Program provides eligible veterans with the option to receive non-VA health care services from approved community healthcare providers. Using this program will not have any impact on a patient’s existing VA healthcare or any other VA benefit.

    Veterans can call (866) 606-8198 to find out if they qualify or visit http://www.va.gov/opa/choiceact/ and schedule an appointment at OHI.

    Veterans who qualify should use their Veterans Choice Card, which will allow them to request OHI as their community-based primary health care provider. The Ocean County Veterans Service Bureau, located on the first floor of the Ocean County One-Stop Center, 1027 Hooper Avenue, Toms River, can provide additional assistance to veterans about obtaining and using their Veterans Choice Card.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    VA Information

    The Veteran Administration (VA) launched the Choice Program on November 5, 2014 as part of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA). This program gives eligible Veterans the option to receive health care from providers in their communities.

    The Department of Veterans Affairs sent all Veterans a Choice Card. If your eligibility for this new program is verified, the Choice Card provides you with flexibility in meeting your health care needs. Please note that the Choice Card does not replace the identification card you already use to access other VA benefits.

    You might be eligible for the Choice Program if:

    • You are told by your local VA medical facility that they will not be able to schedule an appointment for care:
      • Within 30 days of the date your provider determines you need to be seen; or
      • Within 30 days of the date you wish to be seen if there is no specific date from your provider.
    • Your current residence is more than 40 miles driving distance from the closest VA medical facility (including Community- Based Outpatient Clinics) that has a full-time primary care physician.
    • You need to travel by plane or boat to the VA medical facility closest to your home.
    • You face an unusual or excessive burden in traveling to the closest VA medical facility based on geographic challenges, environmental factors, or a medical condition. Staff at your local VA medical facility will work with you to determine you are eligible for any of these reasons.
    • Your specific health care needs, including the nature and frequency of the care needed, warrants participation in the program. Staff at your local VA medical facility will work with you to determine if you’re eligible for any of these reasons.
    • You reside in a State or a United States Territory without a full-service VA medical facility that provides hospital care, emergency services, and surgical care having a surgical complexity of standard, and reside more than 20 miles from such a VA medical facility. NOTE: This criterion applies to Veterans residing in Alaska, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Guam, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Also note that some Veterans in New Hampshire reside within 20 miles of White River Junction VAMC.”

    NOTE: This criterion applies to Veterans residing in Alaska, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Guam, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Also note that some Veterans in New Hampshire reside within 20 miles of White River Junction VAMC.”

    To find out if you are eligible for the Choice Program, call (866) 606-8198. If you are satisfied and wish to continue with your current VA care, there is nothing you need to do at this time. Save your Choice Card in case you would like to use the program in the future.

    Community Resources Guide

    Ocean Health Initiatives plays an integral role in the community it serves by working closely with government agencies, other healthcare providers, and community and social service organizations in the local area. Having fostered collaborations and partnerships with entities across Ocean and Monmouth County for years, OHI works to expand the network of local providers and increase access to available services for not only OHI patients, but the community at large.

    One of OHI’s major functions is to engage in community education programs that demonstrate the importance of health and wellness, as well as aiding in the prevention of disease. As major chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, COPD, and diabetes have become more common, OHI seeks to promote healthier behavioral choices to all patients, regardless of age or health status. By collaborating with local partners and community agencies, OHI’s education programs help to empower patients to make healthier lifestyle choices and reduce their risk of preventable chronic disease.

    OHI provides primary healthcare services with both regional and local healthcare and human services providers. State and local agencies dedicated to this mission include:

    Ocean Health Initiatives
    Patient Resources

    Here are some of OHI's brochures that are available to all our patients and partners for download.


    Open Enrollment for 2025 is here! Shop, compare and save today!

    GetCoveredNJ is the only place where you can get financial help to lower the cost of health coverage. You can compare available 2025 health and dental plans now and see if you qualify for savings!

    Personalized plans based on your estimated income and household size. 

    The Open Enrollment Period for 2025 health coverage runs until January 31, 2025. Nine in 10 qualify for financial help.

    Qualified OHI staff are available to answer questions, explain any coverage changes and help individuals sign up for health insurance.

    Bilingual, certified application counselors are available by appointment only. Appointments can be made for all OHI locations.

    To sign up for health insurance at the time of their appointment, enrollees should bring their:

    For Open Enrollment appointments and questions CLICK HERE or call Ocean Health Initiatives at (732) 363-6655.

    To learn more about Get Covered New Jersey and your healthcare options, please click here.

    Ocean Health Initiatives
    Preventative Health Screenings

    At Ocean Health Initiatives, Inc, we are committed to improving our patients' health care. As part of your routine preventive care, your provider can order different types of preventive screenings depending on your age and family history. Ask your provider about the following services:

    Ocean Health Initiatives
    Lung Cancer Screenings
    Ocean Health Initiatives
    Breast Cancer Screenings
    Ocean Health Initiatives
    Cervical Cancer Screenings
    Ocean Health Initiatives
    Colorectal Cancer Screenings

    Flu Shots

    Flu Shots are available at all seven of our Health Centers throughout the entirety of the Flu season. It is not too late into the season to get a flu shot, and receiving the flu vaccine can help prevent you from getting and spreading the flu virus to your friends and family.

    Currently, we have vaccinations for children (ages 6-35 months), children to adults (ages 3 and up), and the high dose vaccine for seniors (ages 65 and older). Preservative free, latex free, and egg-free vaccinations are also available. Children can receive their flu shot at no cost through the Vaccines for Children* program offered at all OHI Health Centers if they do not have insurance, are self-pay patients, or are recipients of Medicaid Plan A.

    If you have any questions about receiving the flu shot, or would like to schedule an appointment to get the vaccine, please CLICK HERE.

    *The Vaccines for Children (VFC) program is a federally funded program that provides vaccines at no cost to children who might not otherwise be vaccinated because of inability to pay.